The “I Remember” writing exercise transports memories from your subconscious into your conscious mind so you can use them in your essay!

The “I Remember” exercise can be used throughout both the ideation and organizing and planning stages of writing your personal statement. It is an excellent tool to help you brainstorm a concept for an essay or to find poignant details that bring your essay to life.

For Brainstorming A Concept:

You can perform this exercise using an “unfocused” (general) or “focused” (targeted) or approach. To begin, students typically use the unfocused approach.

● Find a quiet and comfortable place. Get a pen and a notebook and clear your mind. Set a timer for 10 minutes and begin to write.

● Each sentence should begin with “I remember…..”. Let your mind float from memory to memory, and write everything down as it comes to you. Don’t judge yourself — just let your pen flow.

● Ideas and thoughts don’t have to be connected but you must write for all 10 minutes. Don’t stop, don’t scratch anything out, don’t edit.

● When the timer goes off, re-read what you have written.

● Set a timer for 5 minutes and copy down any ideas, sentences or details that seem noteworthy or surprising onto a word doc on your computer. 

● Repeat the activity daily for four or five days in a row. Take notes of memories that surface repeatedly or themes that emerge across different memories.

For Unearthing Poignant Details:

Perform the focused (targeted) variation of the exercise to look for great details that bring your essay to life. You will follow the same process as the “unfocused” exercise (write for 10 minutes; re-read and copy down ideas onto a word doc for 5 minutes), but you will begin the exercise by picturing a specific idea or experience in your minds eye. Try to remember all of the sensations related to that memory (sight, taste, touch, sound, & smell). Incorporating these memories — which are unique to you — will bring the flavor to your essay that set it apart from other applicants.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Use the “I Remember” writing exercise to find concepts to use for your common app essay topic.

  2. Focus on both the Valley of Despair and your joyful / flow moments as you complete the exercise.

  3. You can also use the “I Remember” activity to provide flavor (details) after you’ve settled on a topic. Trust the process—it works!