College Essay Success: Our 3-Stage Writing Process

Writing college essays (especially the personal statement) can feel overwhelming, but following a structured writing process can make it manageable and ensure you do your best work. There are many ways to break down the writing process, but we think of it in three broad stages:

  1. Ideation, where you examine the prompts and brainstorm potential approaches toward addressing them

  2. Organizing & Planning, where you take the ideas from ideation and structure them into an outline for your essay

  3. Drafting & Revising, where you physically write your draft and make revisions until the final product reflects your vision.

A visual analogy comparing each stage of the writing process to building a home

Here’s why intentionally incorporating the writing process makes writing your college essays easier:

1. Easier to Start, Easier to Finish

Procrastination is a common enemy in essay writing. Breaking down the task into smaller steps helps you start without feeling intimidated. If you’ve ever felt flummoxed while staring at an empty word document, it’s probably because you skipped essential prewriting and outlining activities that would have helped you flesh out exactly what you wanted to say. Incorporating a robust pre-writing (ideation) process prevents this type of trouble.

Hot Tip: Check out our free Brainstorming for the Common Application Personal Statement course to kickstart your process with guided exercises.

2. Avoids Last-Minute Panic

Following the writing process spreads out the effort over time, preventing last-minute stress and ensuring you submit your best work. You’ll have time to refine your ideas and polish your prose, leading to a more polished and coherent essay.

3. Build a Solid Foundation & Plan

Starting with brainstorming, outlining, and planning ensures your essay has direction and purpose. This foundation helps align your content with the themes and values you want to convey. A structured process helps you create an intentional plan that highlights your strengths and how you want to come across to readers. This makes your essay a true representation of who you are, allowing you to effectively showcase your unique qualities.

4. Flexibility for Revisions

Think of your essay like building a house. It’s easier to make changes during the planning stages than after construction. Similarly, following a process allows for iterative changes, ensuring your final product is well-crafted and aligns with your vision.

A photo of the Mars Climate Orbiter blasting off

A lesson from the Mars Climate Orbiter

Consider the Mars Climate Orbiter, a mission lost due to different teams using different measurement systems. Once it had "blasted off," it was too late to fix the error. The same principle applies to your essay. Proper planning and preparation are essential before you start writing, as it’s much harder to correct course later.


By embracing the writing process, you set yourself up for success. You’ll start more easily, avoid last-minute stress, and create a strong, intentional narrative that reflects your true self. Remember, your college essay is an opportunity to tell your story. Follow the process step by step, and let your unique voice shine through.

For more tips and detailed exercises, check out our free Brainstorming for the Common Application Personal Statement course today!


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